National Leader of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada

Much Ado About Duffy

When people refer to the “news networks,” they’re being generous. They are networks but the “news” is still whatever the editors, publishers, and producers want the voting public to think about. Over the past several weeks, Canadians have been tormented with endless regurgitations from the Mike Duffy trial. Those who want the Harper government to fall—including most of the admittedly left-wing media as well as the obvious parties in the best position to benefit, the Liberals and NDP—have done…

Writ Large: the 2015 General Election from Month to Month to Month

Since the major national media forgot to call the leader of the Christian Heritage Party to ask my opinion about what will be one of the longest election campaigns in Canadian history, I am offering this public response to the unnecessarily premature launch of Election 2015. Now that the campaign has begun, our candidates will be getting out on the streets and up to the doorsteps across this nation to tell voters about Canada’s only federal pro-life, pro-family, common-sense, small-government,…