Defend Marriage
Defend marriage and the family by calling a Royal Commission to study the issue.
"Same Sex Marriage” has had an enormous social impact on our nation. Damage can only be assessed as this generation of children mature. When same-sex marriage legislation was pushed through, Parliament should have devoted more time to examining the facts. Both Liberal and Conservative governments broke their promises to Canadians, as neither authorized any real enquiry into the facts. We owe it to the children to review this legislation and its impacts. Children affected by placement into a same sex family should be monitored for long term effects.
France, when faced with this same issue, appointed a Parliamentary Commission to carefully study the social implications of such legislation. The commission dedicated two years of examination and study, after which the report recommended against legalizing same-sex “marriage” and against legalizing same-sex adoption. The report stated: “The purpose of adoption is not to give a child to a family, but to give a family to a child.” Decades of sociological research now shows that children do much better with a father and a mother than with two “mothers” or two “fathers”.
In Canada, same-sex “marriage” was forced on an unwilling nation by the Liberal government of Paul Martin after only two weeks of sham “hearings” by a stacked committee; and the Conservative promise to defend the traditional family was cynically abandoned as soon as they were in office.
The CHP would appoint a Royal Commission, and give it the authority to do a thorough examination of the issue and suspend the legislation that allowed same-sex ‘marriages’ until the enquiry is complete. Children placed in these family situations will be offered support to help them deal with the long term effects.
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