- COVID is a real virus and has caused suffering and deaths, although the numbers affected and the severity of most “cases” are much lower than originally anticipated. Over 99% of adults and almost all children recover. The Canadian federal and provincial governments failed to implement their own emergency protocols before implementing poorly thought out and frequently changing health orders.
- The crippling lockdowns have caused more damage than the virus itself. In addition, the government has failed to promote or provide information of access to safe, proven therapies like Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin C and D and Zinc, remedies that could have saved thousands of lives. The experimental mRNA vaccines being pushed on Canadians have not been proven to be either safe or effective and the pharmaceutical companies producing them are making billions.
- We strongly oppose the imposition of coercive Vaccine passports, which violate both our Charter of Rights and the Nuremberg Code which calls for “voluntary and informed consent” for those who participate in any medical experiment. For more information, visit 2ndOpinion.link
Jobs stimulate the economy. Rod Taylor and the CHP would put Canada back to work with a nationwide infrastructure stimulus package that would fix our cities, our highways and our bridges. More about jobs and employment
Rod Taylor and the CHP favour the elimination of all public funding of organizations that advocate or perform abortions. Abortion is the deliberate killing of an innocent human being, and therefore is a crime against God, the pre-born child, the mother and father, and society. It should be treated as such by the Government and must not be permitted or supported. More about life policies
Rod Taylor and the CHP also strongly oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide under any circumstances. The Christian Heritage Party of Canada recognizes euthanasia and/or assisted suicide as bad public policy and would reject any laws being established to this end. Learn about assisted suicide policy
Deficit spending is theft — successive Liberal and Conservatives governments have been stealing money from our children and grandchildren to buy votes. It’s time to take responsibility for our national finances, eliminate our deficit, repay our debt and give future generations the same economic opportunities that we have enjoyed. Learn about the national debt
Due to careless government overspending, taxes are too high today and they pose a disincentive to work and save and an obstacle to reinvestment. CHP Canada's short-term solution would be "Lower, Simpler, Flatter Taxes" (as recommended by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation) and allowing full income-splitting for all married couples. Learn more about taxation policy